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If you are on an email conversation that has more than ten messages without a resolution, consider setting up a meeting to discuss the issue. With the message selected, on the Home tab, in the Respond group, select Meeting. Acknowledge messages that require a more extensive response. If you are too busy to respond with a full answer right away, let the sender know that you are looking into the issue and will respond by a certain time or date.

Flag it for yourself to do later. Use High Importance sparingly. If you are asking a question and there are several people who could respond, choose just one person rather than sending your question to a group.

When you take these three steps, you know that your next action is to send another message or watch for a response. Tip: Reminding yourself to send another message is often more effective than flagging the message for your recipient. Similarly, when you promise to do something in a message, flag it for yourself so that you have a task in your To-Do Bar to remind you.

Don't send a message when you are angry. Better to write it, save it to your drafts folder, and come back to it later. Don't send a follow-up message less than a day after the first message. If you don't hear back in a timely manner, try using the phone or a messaging app such as Microsoft Teams.

Don't use read receipts or delivery receipts on every message you send. Use them only if you are unsure whether your recipients will receive the message. Don't attach flags or high importance to every message you send.

Your recipients will learn to ignore them. Don't send attachments — send links instead. This rule applies especially to meeting requests, where attachments can contribute significantly to server quotas.

Don't expand distribution lists. Expanding distribution lists makes messages harder to read and causes them to go into the wrong mail folders for people using rules.

Don't write something you wouldn't want everyone in your company to read. You never know where your message might end up.

If you need more information or are investigating the issue separately, respond to the whole Contact Group to let everyone know that you are responding and then reply to the individual separately.

Make sure to respond to the Contact Group after the issue is resolved with the resolution. In this way, the resolution can be referenced by other people on the Contact Group. If someone sends a message to a Contact Group that you are a member of and the message would be better answered by someone else or another Contact Group, do the following:. Rather, leave the Contact Group on the To or Cc line. If you are transitioning to a new role and find that you are redirecting people regularly, set up a Quick Step.

Adding inline comments to a message that you receive is a convenient way to answer questions and respond directly to issues. In your message, mention that you are commenting inline. For example, include "See additional comments below. If you only want to comment on a small part of a longer message, copy that section of your message into your response, using a different color and prefixing the quote with quotes, and then type your response.

Use the Bcc feature to remove extra people from an email conversation when you deem that they no longer need the extra email or if the conversation topic has changed. For example, if you are one of five people who receive a question and you want to answer it, move the other four people to the Bcc line and write something such as " Bcc'ing Joe, Jeff, James, and Jennifer. Here's the answer… " Future messages will then be between only you and the original sender. The Bcc recipient might not realize that he or she has received a Bcc and might respond to everyone, exposing that he or she received a Bcc message.

This might come across as sneaky behavior on your part. Rather than using Bcc to inform a third party of an issue, forward the message after you send it. Only invite people who need to be involved.

Each additional person you invite to a meeting adds to the complexity of the meeting, making it harder to control. On the other hand, if a decision needs to be made, make sure all of the key stakeholders are present, or the meeting will be a waste of time and resources. Use the Scheduling Assistant to view all meeting attendees availability. A pair of lines and a highlight show the proposed start and end of the meeting. To view the Scheduling Assistant when composing a meeting request, on the Meeting tab, in the Show group, select Scheduling Assistant.

The Room Finder pane contains suggested times for the best time for your meeting when most attendees are available. These groups can also include rooms, which can make it easier to find an available room to meet in. In Calendar, in the navigation pane, scroll down to the list of calendars and right-click My Calendars.

Not everyone has a phone, an online conferencing app, or the proper electronic meeting software and equipment. Tip: If you are traveling to the meeting location, schedule travel time on your calendar before and after the meeting. If all of the attendees are connected to your corporate network, put the documents on a SharePoint site or on a shared network drive. Meeting is your central spot for agenda items. Create a single task, mark it with the Meeting category, and set the Start Date or Due Date to the date of your meeting.

As the meeting date approaches and discussion points come up, add comments, bullets, and thoughts to the task as they occur to you. This task will become your agenda for the meeting.

If you want to discuss a set of messages or just one message…. If you have a message you want to discuss at a meeting, flag that message for the day of the meeting and mark it with the Meeting category. If you have more than three messages to discuss, don't flag each one because they will pollute your task list. Instead, create a new task with the name of the meeting; right-click and drag the messages to the task copying as you go. Mark this task with the Meeting category. If you are collaborating with other people or just need more room for your thoughts, consider using a OneNote notebook, which can be shared either through a SharePoint site or on a local server.

OneNote provides a richer note-taking experience than Outlook tasks. The tool that you use to collaborate during a meeting depends on the location and access of your participants. If you are collaborating on a document and everyone is in the same room, use the Track Changes and Comments features in Word. If you are presenting and some people are remote, use an online meeting and the chat features of Microsoft Teams or for less formal meetings, join everyone using a Microsoft Teams group chat and share your desktop or a second monitor.

If you want to collaborate in a more ad hoc fashion, you can use OneNote to take notes together in a single notebook. If you are taking notes or minutes for the meeting, you can also use OneNote to insert meeting details from Outlook into your notes.

After the meeting, you can send your notes to the attendees as a message. When a series of meetings has run its course, rather than cancel the meeting, which will remove all historical instances of the meeting, change the recurrence pattern to end on the last occurrence of the meeting.

To do this, select the Recurrence button and change the end date. You might not need to share your calendar, because everyone in your organization can see when you are free or busy but not necessarily see the content or subject of the meetings and appointments. However, you can easily share your calendar with your team if you want them to be able to see all of your meetings and appointments. You might want someone else to manage your calendar on your behalf, for example, an assistant who can accept or decline meetings for you.

In that case, you can delegate your calendar. Having more than one delegate can cause errors in your calendar. Create a SharePoint calendar for group activities that everyone has access to, rather than sharing your calendar. For example, create a calendar on a SharePoint site to keep track of the group's vacation schedules. Note: Whether your calendar is shared depends on the version of Microsoft Exchange Server your system is running and how your administrator has configured the server.

Even if you work for a company with a Global Address list, there will be occasions when you want to keep a contact in Outlook. Create contacts for:. People for whom you want to remember something or add information to their contact, such as their birthday. Create Contact Groups formerly known as personal distribution lists in Outlook when you want to make it easier to send messages to a group of people outside your corporation. For all groups inside your corporation, create a public Contact Group ask your IT administrator about how to do this.

Note: Quick Steps only apply to mail items for example, items in your Inbox. Reading a longer column of narrow text is easier than reading a shorter, wider section of text. The Navigation Pane folder list should be reserved for folders you use often. If it's filled with folders you don't even recognize, move all mail into the reference folder and delete your existing folders.

In the Name box, type Me , and then select Font. In the Conditional Formatting dialog box, select Condition. In the Filter dialog box, select the Where I am check box next to The only person on the To line , and then select OK on each open dialog box.

Note: You can use the drop-down menu to change the Where I am condition. By viewing your messages in conversation view, you can easily see which conversations have had the most back-and-forth discussion. In those cases, you might want to read and respond to only the last message in the conversation.

You can also select an entire conversation and act on it. For example, there might be a lengthy series of messages where the last one simply states, "Thanks, that answers my question," so you can just delete the whole conversation. You can also see messages from other folders when you are in conversation view, which is very helpful when you receive a new message on a lengthy conversation — you can see the whole history, including your replies.

A best practice is to use separate mail accounts for work and personal communications. You should, however, reduce the number of email addresses that you have to deal with. Fortunately, with Outlook, you can view multiple accounts simultaneously. In addition to your work email account Exchange Server , you can add other accounts such as Outlook. Read and unread states in Outlook help by showing you quickly which messages have been read at least once and which have not.

Some people try to use the read and unread states to indicate whether a message is new or a reference item. Inevitably, messages will be reread, and the mental tax of figuring out what you need to do will be paid again. A far more efficient Inbox plan is to go through your messages and decide what to do with each one.

Then it should leave your Inbox — not remain "unread. By having a limited number of folders to look in 1-Reference and 2-Personal , you don't have to worry about misfiling a message or needing to copy it into multiple folders if it applies to more than one topic or project. That's not to say that there isn't a need for browsing through messages that are all on a particular topic or project.

Outlook provides better tools — such as categories and search folders — so you can search effectively. By having a single folder, you don't have to think about which folder holds which messages, and you know that everything in this folder is something that you have looked at before and wanted to keep. Having multiple folders means that each time you file a message, you are forced to decide which folder to use. This becomes even more complicated if there is more than one appropriate folder per message.

Since many folders go unused when there are multiple choices, this creates clutter. Although it might seem like a big deal to leave all of your messages in your Inbox, there is a hidden cost you pay every time you look at a message and wonder, "Is this something I have to deal with or is this just here for reference?

Your Inbox is a place that other people can manipulate; what you put in your reference folder is strictly up to you. Different archiving rates You should have different folders for different Contact Groups based on topic and frequency of AutoArchiving. For example, if you are on a carpooling Contact Group, the messages in the Carpool folder should be deleted daily.

A Contact Group covering a work-related topic should be archived less frequently, such as annually. Efficient conversation grouping When you have separate folders for topical Contact Groups, you can see entire conversations grouped together. Should you need to, you can efficiently search within a folder. Messages sent to large distribution lists and to RSS feeds can easily overwhelm your Inbox.

Treat these streams of information much as you would a large newspaper — there might be a useful or interesting article, but reading the whole paper would take considerable time. Let rules help you to read what is most interesting and pertinent to you. Corporate-level messages with important news for example, from the CEO and messages from your IT department about server downtime should not go into a folder.

Messages to a Contact Group that only occasionally contain useful or interesting content, regardless of frequency, should have a rule and a folder. If you subscribe to several RSS Feeds, treat them like another distribution list. If your corporate policy dictates that you have multiple folders for each type of item, follow that policy. As time goes on, you will likely receive more and more messages. Rather, just read the messages that are important for you to read.

Rules will help you prioritize important messages and minimize distractions. Two days from now or the last day of the work week, whichever comes first. With the default settings, on Monday, this is Wednesday; on Tuesday, this is Thursday. This action will delete old tasks and remove the flag from flagged messages and contacts without deleting the items. Delete all of the categories that you don't plan to use.

The same category set applies to all items, so if you use a category for contacts, keep it. When creating color categories, be thoughtful in your color choices. Over time, you will be able to look at your task list and determine just by color whether the task is presently actionable. For example, if Home is purple, and you are at work, you can't do any purple tasks.

If you have a busy calendar, this might be the only way you can get dedicated time to do your job. It also helps you to make a commitment to doing work — if you put it on your calendar, you should be committed to doing that work at that time. If someone schedules over your work time, make sure to reschedule your time.

In the User Name box, type your user name. The user name is usually the part of your email address to the left of the symbol. Some ISPs require the full email address. Therefore, please contact your ISP if this is needed. If you want Outlook to remember your email account password, click to select the Remember password check box.

Select Test Account Settings. When you select Test Account Settings , the following process occurs:. If the POP3 server must be logged on to first, Outlook automatically sets the Log on to incoming mail server before sending mail option.

A test message is sent. This message explains any changes that Outlook made to the initial setup. If you want to change your email account, click More Settings to open the Internet E-mail Settings dialog box. The Advanced tab in the Internet Email Settings dialog box lets you set the POP3 and the SMTP server ports, define whether the server requires an encrypted channel, and define server time-out settings and delivery settings.

Please contact your ISP to determine whether your email account requires these settings. The delivery settings let you read a message, but leave the message on the server for a specified time. This feature is especially helpful if you use the same email account from more than one computer. By default, Outlook enables this feature and sets the time limit to 14 days on the server before copies of messages are removed.

If you do not want to keep copies of messages on the server, clear the Leave a copy of messages on this server check box. We recommend that you contact your Internet service provider ISP for information about the exact incoming and outgoing mail server names and settings that you should use when you configure your Internet email account in Outlook.

The list provided here contains information only for some Internet service providers in the United States and may not be up to date. Incoming Mail POP3 server names and settings:. When it was written, most of the detailed information about Word was still in the built-in Help. Since then, Help has mainly been moved to the Web, making it difficult to find assistance when you are offline, but there is a huge amount of information available when you are online.

In my experience, you will have better results searching with Google than searching within Word using Bing. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :.



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